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New Training Videos!

We’re excited to introduce new trainings and exclusive videos designed to equip and empower pastors in their ministry journey. Whether you're looking to strengthen your leadership, deepen your biblical knowledge, or grow your congregation, our latest content is here to support you.

What’s New?

  • Fresh, biblically grounded training modules
  • Expert-led videos with practical ministry insights
  • Strategies to help you lead with impact and purpose

Don’t miss out—access the new content today and take your ministry to the next level!  Start Learning Now!

It's Been Over A Year!

It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since the release of Grace to Grow! I am incredibly thankful for the support and feedback I’ve received from friends, families and many of you here in our group. Your kind words and stories of how the book has impacted your ministry have truly blessed my heart.

When I wrote Grace to Grow, my hope was to share the lessons I’ve learned over nearly four decades of ministry. The road hasn't always been easy, but the principles, strategies, and biblical truths I’ve learned along the way have made all the difference. I pray that it continues to encourage, challenge, and inspire.

Thank you again for your continued support. May we all continue to grow in grace and in His wisdom!

New Training with Bishop Kenneth Ulmer ( Available in Courses )

Practical wisdom for leaders to steward their vision with integrity, navigate change, and discern the right successor.
Bishop Kenneth Ulmer speaks to the unique challenges and divine visions of ministry leadership. He emphasizes the profound spiritual connection between leaders and their followers, illustrating leadership through the metaphor of baptism into a sacred calling. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical examples, Bishop Ulmer provides insight into handling opposition, transitions, and generational shifts in ministry. 

  • Embrace the spiritual connection between leaders and followers.
  • Navigate the challenges and opposition that come with leadership.
  • Adapt ministry to reach a new, digitally-savvy generation.
  • Discern and prepare successors to carry the vision forward.

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John K. Jenkins 2021 © All rights reserved.